Spokane, WA—Bloomies planning to enter the 29th annual Lilac Bloomsday Run have just two weeks left to mail in their entries. After Tuesday, April 12, entrants will need to either register online (available for $10.00 until April 17th) or wait until Bloomsday weekend to enter for the $25.00 late fee.
“We really encourage everyone to take care of this right away,” said Don Kardong, Bloomsday Race Director. “As busy as people are, this sometimes gets lost in the spring shuffle. Remember—first enter Bloomsday, then file your tax return.”
Bloomsday entry forms are available at area Washington Trust Banks, Safeway Stores, Snyder’s Bakery Outlets, Premera Blue Cross, Holy Family Hospital and Sacred Heart Medical Center. Runners can also sign up at Gart Sports’ two local stores until 9:00 pm on the deadline day, April 12th
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