April 30, 2015
SPOKANE, WA--With ongoing construction across from the Convention Center limiting traffic flow, Bloomsday officials are urging participants to give themselves extra time to pick up their Bloomsday numbers this weekend."Development near the Convention Center will be a nice addition to the ...
April 27, 2015
SPOKANE, WA—Bruce Sprintsteen and seven other Bloomsday characters—or at least the popular trading cards that represent them—will be available for collecting at the Bloomsday Trade Show this weekend. Collect them, trade them, or carry them in your wallet to show your friends. This year's eight ...
April 17, 2015
April 17, 2015—This Sunday will be the final day for runners, joggers and walkers to sign up for Bloomsday for the low $18.00 fee (plus $1.99 processing fee). Entries must be completed by midnight Sunday, April 19th to take advantage of the $18.00 fee, which is one of the lowest in the nation ...
April 13, 2015
April 14th for Mail-In Entries
Spokane, WA--Runners, joggers and walkers planning to use the US Postal Service to mail in their Bloomsday entries have one more day to do so. Entries must be postmarked by Tuesday, April 14th to take advantage of the low $18.00 entry fee. Online entrants ...