Spokane, WA—Approximately 70 of the top high school cross-country runners from the Spokane area will be heading to southern California in a few days for the Foot Locker West Regional Cross Country Championships, scheduled for Saturday, December 6, at Mt. San Antonio College (Mt. SAC). As in past years, this meet will be an opportunity for Spokane area runners to race against their counterparts from eleven other Western States—Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Wyoming.
The West Regional meet—one of four Foot Locker competitions held across the country—represents the finale of the cross-country season. Strong contingents from Spokane area high schools will participate, led by Mead’s Evan Garber, this fall’s 4A state cross-country champion. The boys’ competition will also feature Mead’s Laef Barnes, who finished 3rd at state, and Ferris’s top five runners, who captured the state team title. The girls’ contingent is led by Megan O’Reilly of Mt. Spokane, who finished third in the state meet; University’s Amie Dahnke, who finished 6th, and Becca Noble of Rogers, who finished 9th.
For the eleventh straight year, over 30 Spokane-area runners had their airline tickets to the meet donated by the Lilac Bloomsday Association. The Bloomsday Association provides airline tickets and ground transportation based on the fastest finish times at the District 5-8 regional cross country championships, which were held in Deer Park on November 1.
“Bloomsday is pleased to continue this tradition of sending top Spokane area high school runners to compete in Southern California,” said Bloomsday President Al Odenthal. “We’re happy to support the hard work and excellence these outstanding young athletes represent.”
The top eight boys and girls in the West Regional Meet will advance to the Foot Locker Cross Country Nationals in San Diego on December 13, joining top qualifiers from the Northeast, South and Midwest. Last year Mead’s Jamie Geissler advanced to the national meet, where she finished eleventh. The meet is considered to be the only national championship held in any high school sport.
More information on the Foot Locker Regionals and Nationals may be obtained from the Foot Locker Cross Country Championships headquarters in New York, 212-720-4435, or by logging on to www.footlockerwest.com. Runners sponsored by the Lilac Bloomsday Association :
Cross-Country Stars Heading South to Foot Locker Regionals
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