Bloomsday Accepting Applications Now for Official Charity

Jul 1, 2021

For IMMEDIATE RELEASE – July 1, 2021

Contact:     Jon Neill, Bloomsday Race Director—(509) 838-1579 ext. 11


All Applications Must Be Received by July 31st to be Considered as the Official Charity for Bloomsday 2022

Spokane, WA — Every year, the Lilac Bloomsday Association (LBA) selects a charity or non-profit partner to serve as the official charity for the Lilac Bloomsday Run.  Once selected, the charity receives donations from Bloomsday participants and also great exposure and visibility in the community.  Charities may raise funds as well by selling a special product (bracelet, singlet, T-shirt, etc.) before, during and/or after race weekend that relates to Spokane’s famous race. The charity also receives a free booth at the Bloomsday Expo to use as they like.

The application process to become Bloomsday’s official charity is simple. The charity submits a letter, no more than two pages long, that describes the work the charity does (and any other background); how being the official Bloomsday charity would help the charity’s mission; and any special things the charity would like to do in conjunction with Bloomsday to increase funds raised and/or increase the visibility of both the charity and Bloomsday (e.g. Ronald McDonald House sold red and white socks; Susan G. Komen Foundation sold pink bracelets; Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery auctioned off mile sculptures; and Cancer Patient Care sold gold singlets that could be personalized in honor of a cancer patient). These cooperative ventures give Bloomsday something additional to promote during the race season while also giving our participants a chance to run/walk for a cause.  

We look forward to hearing your own ideas and why your charity would be a good fit with Bloomsday. 

Application letters should be emailed by July 31 to Lilac Bloomsday Association.   You may email your submission directly to Bloomsday at – – or you may mail to 1414 N. Belt St., Spokane, WA 99201. The LBA’s Charity Committee reviews materials in August, makes a recommendation to Bloomsday’s Board of Directors in late August, and the Board generally makes a decision by early October. Non-winning applicants are also notified at that time.

There are hundreds of great charities in the greater Spokane area, and obviously Bloomsday can’t help them all. But we do like to give a boost to one special charity each year. 

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