Bloomsday FAQ
Race Weekend Information
Can someone else pick up my race bib for me?
Yes, but they need to know your assigned bib number and your name (the exact name used to register). Your bib number is identified in your email receipt or you can use our lookup form to find it, which also requires knowing your birthdate. When picking up someone else's race bib, you will be required to provide your name and phone number.
If you pick up a race bib for someone else, make sure he/she knows you're doing so.
How do I find my bib number?
All registrants can find their bib number three different ways: (1) check your email receipt, (2) log in to the registration site to view your order(s), or (3) use our lookup form to search for your registration and bib number.
I forgot to buy an STA bus pass during registration. Can I still purchase one?
Yes, you can purchase Bloomsday shuttle bus passes at the STA booth at Race Check-In on Friday and Saturday. You can also pay for the STA shuttle on race morning, but the cost is $2.00 each way, and exact change is required. Learn more about the Bloomsday shuttle bus service provided by STA.
What time does the race start?
Bloomsday starts in waves. The first few groups are competitive wheelchair racers, beginning at 8:30 a.m. They're followed at 8:45 by elite (prize money) women. The first large group, which includes Elite, Second Seed, and Corporate Cup starts at 9:00 a.m. Entrants with yellow, green, orange, blue, lilac, and red numbers start at intervals after that (to be determined on race morning). Timing of each runner will begin when he/she crosses the starting line, and ends when he/she crosses the finish.
For more information on Bloomsday starting procedures and estimated starting times for different color groups, click here.
Where can I park at Bloomsday?
Downtown businesses are open and eager for visitors on Bloomsday weekend, and there's plenty of parking. Plan to do some shopping or dining, then drop by the Convention Center to pick up your race number. For downtown Spokane parking information, view the parking map. For information on parking close to the Convention Center, click here.
Parking is more limited on Bloomsday morning due to street closures, but there are a number of options. Many downtown parking lots are open, and the Spokane Arena also has parking available (just a short walk through Riverfront Park to the starting areas). In addition, thousands of Bloomies take special Bloomsday bus shuttles to and from the start/finish each year. If you'd like to join them, visit the STA booth at the Bloomsday Trade Show for information and passes.
I will miss Bloomsday; can someone else wear my runner number?
No. Bloomsday numbers are not like a ticket to a show or concert. We need to know that the person with the number is the same person whose name and information is in our database. This is a matter of safety. Also, running with another person's number ruins the race results, since the person using the number might be a different gender and age from the person who originally entered.
If someone else wears your number, there is a possibility that that person and YOU will both be disqualified from running Bloomsday for up to five years.
Where can I buy race souvenirs?
Official Bloomsday merchandise will be for sale at the Bloomsday Trade Show on Bloomsday weekend. You can also purchase merchandise at our online store to have it shipped to you.
I am injured and can't run Bloomsday. Do I get a shirt?
The shirt is your reward for finishing the Lilac Bloomsday Run. If you can't participate, you will not be able to get a shirt. This isn't meant to be punitive or exclusionary, just a way of preserving the notion that the T-shirt is an award for reaching the finish line.
When does the course close?
The course closes at 1:30 p.m., or when the sweep vehicle passes, whichever comes first. If you haven't reached the finish line by that time, you can keep going as long as you move off the roadway onto the sidewalk. Traffic will be allowed back on the streets, volunteers will begin cleaning up and packing up, but you can keep going anyway. Just move to the sidewalk and follow all traffic laws while completing your journey.
If you complete the course after the finish line has closed and you don't receive a T-shirt, please contact the Bloomsday office after Tuesday to make arrangements for your shirt.
What is NOT allowed on the course?
Unregistered runners
Hand cycles
Motorized vehicles
Motorized wheelchairs
Headphones, iPods, etc.
Running while pushing Strollers, Baby Joggers or wheelchairs.
How do I know which group I'm in and where to start?
You'll receive this information as soon as you register online (we'll also include it on your email receipt). You'll need to know your bib number to pick up your race bib (use the lookup tool). For a schedule of when you can pick up your number, click here.
Will the race be cancelled if the weather is bad?
The Lilac Bloomsday Run has been held in all kinds of weather, so dress accordingly. Average temperature at the start is approximately 50 degrees, but it has occasionally been in the high 70s. We have also started with snow on the streets.
We don't ever anticipate having to cancel or reschedule Bloomsday. However, it's conceivable that there may one day be conditions--either because of extreme weather or due to some other unforseen difficulty--that will cause the run to be cancelled. This will only be done if, in the judgment of the Lilac Bloomsday Association, holding the event would risk the health or safety of participants.
Where are the porta-potties?
Porta-potties are scattered throughout Riverfront Park, near each starting street, and near all water aid stations along the route.
Where are the water aid stations?
Water stations are located periodically along the course. Both sides of the street will have water. The 1st water aid station is at Greenwood Cemetery, the 2nd at Spokane Falls Community College, 3rd is at the top of Pettet (Doomsday) hill. The 4th is on Broadway & Nettleton. The 5th is located past the finish line, before the T-shirt distribution areas.
Is there some place to stash gear at the start?
Only Corporate Cup participants, Elite Athletes with race numbers under 500, and Second/Senior Seed participants who purchased the amenities package will have their stuff held. All others should come dressed and ready to run.
What if a runner needs medical help?
Medical Aid stations are spread throughout the course, either right before or just past each water aid station. There are five Medical Aid stations along the course, one at the finish line, and one in Riverfront Park. Look for Medical Aid banners. Medical Aid volunteers will be wearing red vests.
Where do I get my Finisher T-Shirt?
T-shirts are awarded only to finishers, not entrants. T-shirt distribution is located a short distance after the finish line. Both sides of the street have all sizes. Only one shirt per person. Each finisher must pick up his/her own T-shirt. Please have the T-shirt tag removed from your runner number and ready to turn in to volunteers. No tag, no T-shirt!
When is Bloomsday?
Bloomsday is traditionally held the first Sunday in May.
- May 5, 2024
- May 4, 2025
- May 3, 2026
How do I get my name printed on my race bib?
When you sign up for Bloomsday between January 1 and March 19, you will be able to add your name to the front of the bib. Participants of the both editions of Bloomsday (in-person and virtual) may personalize their race bib with their name, but only if they complete their registration on or before March 19. Register today!
When is Jr. Bloomsday and how do I register my kids?
- Date: Sunday, April 13th
- Distance: 1 Mile
- Location: Spokane Falls Community College
- Entry Fee: $20
How do I volunteer?
For information on volunteering, click here.
How do I submit my Virtual Bloomsday time?
Visit our results portal to submit your time. No time submission = No finisher shirt
How do I find lodging information for Bloomsday weekend?
For Spokane lodging info, click here.
How many people have done every Bloomsday?
Through Bloomsday 2021, 80 people had done every Bloomsday. We call them the Perennials, and they're listed under Results, Perennials.
Where does the name 'Lilac Bloomsday Run' come from?
Founder Don Kardong chose the name, which is a joining of Spokane's favorite flower to the word James Joyce scholars use to describe the day events in the novel Ulysses take place. Confused? Intrigued? Read on...
According to Kardong, a road race is an odyssey, not unlike the one Ulysses endured in his return to Ithaca after the Trojan War, a journey described in great detail by the Greek poet Homer. In 1917 James Joyce wrote "Ulysses" about one day in the life of a man (Leopold Bloom) in Dublin, Ireland. Bloom spends the day wandering through the streets of Dublin in a rough parallel of his Greek counterpart Ulysses, and that day (June 16) has become known to Joyce scholars and aficionados as "Bloomsday."
The 7-1/2-mile odyssey through the streets of Spokane was dubbed The Lilac Bloomsday Run, combining Spokane's moniker "The Lilac City" with the premise of Joyce's novel, which is that ordinary people are involved in unassuming and yet heroic journeys every day of their lives. A citizen who travels 7-1/2 miles on the first Sunday of May encounters trials, hazards and monsters during his or her odyssey through the Lilac City before ending up back home.
Where do race proceeds go?
The Lilac Bloomsday Run is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Net proceeds are invested in future Bloomsday Runs. Bloomsday also supports a designated charity every year.
Can you give me information on the Lilac Festival?
The Lilac Bloomsday Run is not affiliated with the Lilac Festival. Their website is You can also reach festival organizers at (509) 535-4554.
Should kids run Bloomsday?
Yes! Bloomsday encourages the participation of anyone capable of completing the 12-kilometer distance, including children. Running is a safe activity, and every year thousands of kids successfully run, jog or walk the Bloomsday course. At a time when youth fitness nationally is in decline, parents in the Spokane region have a great opportunity to motivate kids by encouraging them to get in shape to complete the 7.46-mile Bloomsday Run. We leave it to parents and guardians to decide whether a child is mature enough to enjoy the challenge, and sufficiently trained and capable of going the distance.
But please note: To make sure kids have a safe and positive experience, Bloomsday discourages participants age 12 and younger from competing for a fast time or place. While we know competition can be a great motivator and lots of fun, the large number of adult runners in Bloomsday increases the risk to children who are trying to run as fast as possible. In addition, anecdotal evidence indicates that competition over long distances does not help prepubescent youngsters develop into more successful adolescent or adult runners, and more often leads to early "burn-out." Kids are also more susceptible to heat-related problems, and when the urge to compete overrides the body’s signals to slow down, trouble lies ahead.
For these reasons, Bloomsday believes that participation for those age 12 and under should focus on enjoyment rather than competition. Going the distance is the key, and preparation is encouraged. To underscore this, Bloomsday will not seed runners to the front of the pack until they’re at least 13 years of age, no matter how talented they are. In addition, Bloomsday will not publish comparative placing in divisions below age 13. In our book, every kid who runs, jogs, walks or wheels 7.46 miles is a winner. And we encourage parents to make sure that message comes through loud and clear.
Any other Questions?
If your Bloomsday questions have not been answered here (or in the rest of this website) you can email your questions directly to the Bloomsday Office.
Can I register for both the in-person race and the virtual race?
Yes! Bloomsday super fans are welcome to register for both editions of the race. In fact, the finisher shirt for the virtual race will have a slightly different look than the in-person 12k finisher shirt!
To register for both, participants will need to complete the registration process twice (selecting the virtual option in Step 3 during one of their registrations).
Can I change my assigned color group?
Until March 19, we can accommodate changes to your assigned color group. Simply contact us to request changes. However, please keep in mind that no color change is necessary if you want to MOVE BACK to join a color group that starts later than your color. But don’t line up in a color group that starts earlier than your assigned group, or you won’t be timed and you may be disqualified.
After March 19, we’re happy to accommodate your color change at race check-in. Please pick up your race bib at race check-in on Friday, April 29 or Saturday, April 30, then take it to the “Color Changes” table and they will help you make any changes needed. Please keep in mind that no color change is necessary if you want to MOVE BACK to join a color group that starts later than your color. But don’t line up in a color group that starts earlier than your assigned group, or you won’t be timed and you may be disqualified.
When does registration open, how do I enter, and how much does it cost?
You can sign up for Bloomsday beginning January 1. Registration for Bloomsday is exclusively available online and more details can be found at our registration page.
I purchased or received an E-Gift Certificate entry last November/December. How do I redeem it?
Your E-Gift Certificate came with a unique promo code on it. To receive the full promotional value of your E-Gift Certificate you must register for Bloomsday by April 22, 2023. When you are finished adding participants and are ready to pay, enter your unique promo codes (one at a time) in the "Discounts and Credits" section BEFORE you click the green "Checkout" button. Your E-Gift Certificate's promo code will allow you to register for either the in-person Bloomsday race or the Virtual Bloomsday option.
IMPORTANT: You must redeem your E-Gift Certificate's unique promo code no later than April 22, 2023, in order to receive the full promotional value of the certificate. Beginning April 22, 2023, the E-Gift Certificate's unique promo code will only apply the $25 face value towards the cost of entry and you will be required to pay any balance remaining to complete your registration.
How can my family and friends get the same bib color so we can start together?
The simplest way to keep a group of runners together in the same start color group is for everyone to enter online at the same time (or for the same person to do all the registrations for the group) During online registration, once you click the green Checkout button, look for the "RUN AS A GROUP" option and check the box to have everyone being registered start in the same color group. By selecting this option, your group will all be seeded to the color group of the person in your group with the slowest qualifying time.
For those who don't register together with the "Run As Group" option: If you pick up your number at Check-In and you find that you’re not in the same group with people you want to participate with, keep in mind that you’re allowed to move BACK to a color group that starts later than yours. You can’t move forward to a faster color group, but it’s fine to move back. So if members of your group don’t have the same color, you don’t need to do anything other than move back on race morning to the color group of the member of your group who starts latest.
If moving back isn’t an acceptable solution for some reason, please ask volunteers at the Solutions desk at Check-In for assistance.
Are printed entry forms available?
No, as of 2020, Bloomsday registration is completely online. Simply click here and you can register today!
May I register on race weekend?
You may register for the in-person Bloomsday race on race weekend (Friday or Saturday). The entry fee is $50.00 and you may register online or in-person at the Spokane Convention Center.
There is no registration on Sunday.
Can I change my T-shirt size, address, estimated time or other information?
Yes, just reply to the email receipt you received to let us know what information needs to change. If you don't have your email receipt, use the Contact Us form.
Note: T-shirt selections do not need to be corrected (we use the information to place the order, but you can select any size you want at T-shirt distribution after you finish).
Can I enter my child in Marmot March online?
Yes, online registration for the Marmot March opens on February 1. Marmot March is limited to 300 participants, and details are available by clicking the Marmot March button on the Blooomsday website.
Can I sign someone else up for Bloomsday?
Yes, as long as you have all the information requested, and you have authorization from the person you're signing up to e-sign the waiver.
I'm a walker. Do you accept walkers?
Absolutely! Well over half of Bloomsday participants are walkers.
Do you accept baby strollers and wheelchairs?
They're welcome! For safety reasons, operators and occupants of strollers, Baby Joggers, and non-competitive wheelchairs MUST line up in the Red section and MUST WALK the entire course. In addition, anyone with a Red number, even if not pushing a stroller or chair, must walk the entire course. Any operator or occupant of a stroller or wheelchair, and anyone wearing a red number, whose net finish time is faster than 1:40 will not be timed and may be disqualified.
Also, both operators and occupants must be officially entered by paying the entry fee. That way everyone's time will be recorded, and everyone will receive a finisher's T-shirt. Your infant or toddler may not be able to wear that shirt now, but he or she will thank you for it later!
I'm pushing my child in a stroller. Do I have to register the child?
Yes, all participants, whether running, walking or being pushed MUST register for Bloomsday. We have youth size shirts for young registrants. Our youngest Bloomies may not be able to wear that shirt now, but he or she will thank you for it some day!
What does the processing fee include?
The processing fee includes expenses related to online registration management, payment processing services, and administrative costs incurred by our registration platform to facilitate a smooth and secure registration process for participants.
How does the 50-cent fee contribute to the overall registration cost?
The 50-cent fee is specifically introduced to help offset the escalating costs imposed by the City of Spokane. This helps cover the costs associated with Fire and Police services as well as other City operations ensuring the continued success, safety, and sustainability of the Bloomsday run.
For any other questions please reach out to
Corporate Cup
When does Corporate Cup registration start?
Corporate Cup registration opens at 9:00 a.m. on February 24th, 2025.
What are the registration deadlines for Corporate Cup?
The deadline to register your team is Friday, March 21, 2025 or when the number of paid teams reaches 300, whichever comes first. Traditionally, Corporate Cup fills up quickly, so please enter early to make sure your team is included!
What are the Corporate Cup Entry Rules?
You can read the Corporate Cup Entry Rules by clicking here.
Is it possible for Corporate Cup registration to close early?
Yes, registration will close early if the number of paid teams reaches 300 before the registration deadline. Be sure to register early!
Can I mail in my entry for Bloomsday Corporate Cup?
No. Mail-in entries are not permitted. All registrations must be completed online.
How much is the Corporate Cup team registration fee?
The team registration fee for 2025 is $600.
How can I pay for the Corporate Cup team registration fee?
You must pay your team registration fee online. You can pay with the following debit or credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover. Note: Check payments are not accepted.
When is the last day to make changes to a Corporate Cup team?
The last day for team captains to make changes to their Corporate Cup team(s) for no fee is Friday, March 21, 2025. After March 21, there will be a $25.00 fee for team captains to make changes to their team(s). To make a change after the deadline, please contact Crystal Yurick
Where and when do I get my Corporate Cup Tech Tee?
Around the first part of April, your Corporate Cup team packet with your tech tees for your team members will be mailed to your team captain. To make your tech tee distribution streamlined, team captains can login into the Corporate Cup registration site to view the names of team members and their chosen tech tee size. Please try on your tech tees before personalization. We encourage each team member to wear the tech tee; however, wearing this is not required to gain entrance into the Corporate Cup start area. Rather, each member must wear his or her runner bib on the front of their tee (bibs are distributed on race weekend). Anyone not wearing a PINK corporate cup number will not be allowed to enter the Corporate Cup starting area. Please note if one of your team members registered after the registration deadline, he or she may not have his or her chosen tech tee size. However, we do our best to facilitate exchanges if possible.
Can my team personalize our Tech Tee?
Feel free to personalize your tee with your company name, individual name, or team name or motto on your tech tee. Please first make sure the tee fits the person it is intended for. We cannot accept exchanges for tees that have been personalized.
Can I exchange my Tech Tee for another size?
If you need to exchange your tech tee, and it has not been personalized, you may exchange it at the Corporate Cup check in on race weekend. If you need it earlier than race weekend, you may contact the Bloomsday office. Available sizes for exchange are subject to availability.
Where do I check in on race weekend?
Corporate Cup team members or someone else on his or her behalf (i.e. team captain, teammate, friend, relative, etc) must pick up their bib numbers at the Corporate Cup check-in located at Spokane Convention Center. All Corporate Cup team members will receive a PINK number. Each timing chip is affixed to the runner number. If you wear a number of any other color you will not be permitted to start in the Corporate Cup start area, and your results will not be counted in the Corporate Cup competition. Bibs are organized by company name, so please be prepared to give that information to the check-in volunteer.
What are the Corporate Cup check-in hours?
Corporate Cup check-in will be open the same hours as the regular Bloomsday check-in: Friday, May 3, 11:30 a.m.-8 p.m., and Saturday, May 4, 9 a.m.-6:30 p.m. For out of town entrants only, check in is offered on Sunday, May 5, 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.
I registered individually before joining a Corporate Cup team. What now?
If any team member registered for Bloomsday individually prior to joining your team, make sure he or she picks up their PINK Corporate Cup number at check-in. No other runner number can be used. Without the PINK Corporate Cup number and corresponding timing chip, your team member will NOT be able to enter the Corporate Cup start area and will NOT be included in the Corporate Cup results. Make certain team members do not apply for Elite Seeding because runners who wear an "Elite" number are also deleted from Corporate Cup results. Please note: Registration fees are non-refundable.
A team member was injured. Can we make a replacement?
If a team member is injured or otherwise unable to participate, you may find a replacement for him or her. There will be a $25.00 charge for each replacement and this must be presented with the injured runner’s identification information and a completed Bloomsday registration form for the substitute runner, or runner identification if already registered (see ‘I registered individually before joining a Corporate Cup Team. What now?’) Substitutions can be performed via email to Crystal Yurick through April 18th. After April 18th, substitutions can only be done at the check-in desk on Friday and Saturday of race weekend. The exiting participant should provide their tech tee to their substitute. Tech tee exchanges may be made at the time of check-in (see ‘Can I exchange my tech tee for another size?’), Please remember, personalized tees cannot be exchanged.
Where is the Corporate Cup start line on race day for runners?
All Corporate Cup runners may start on Post and Riverside which is accessed via Post Street from either the north or the south. Please refer to the race map. You may warm up on Post Street to the north and south of the Corporate Cup start area prior to the prompt 9:00 a.m. start. Remember, your team members must wear their Corporate Cup PINK bibs (runner numbers) to gain access to the exclusive “front of the pack” Corporate Cup starting area. This start is for runners. If a Corporate Cup participant is determined to have walked within the first mile, his or her team may be subject to disqualification. Remember, this is for the safety of all Bloomsday participants.
What is a Corporate Cup gear bag and how does the transport service work?
Thanks to our Corporate Cup sponsor, Northwest Orthopedic Specialty Clinic and the Lilac Bloomsday Association, each team member will receive a sturdy and reusable athletic bag at check-in to be used on race day. Just pack all the items you will need after the race inside the zippered portion of the bag, mark the bag with your race number, and hand it to the volunteers at one of the two gear bag trucks located to the North and South of the start line. Your team members’ bags will be waiting for them at the Post-Race Party.
Can I bring a guest (non-Corporate Cup participant) to the post race party?
You may purchase additional guest tickets to the party for $25.00 per person. If your team captain purchased additional guest tickets during registration, they'll be enclosed in your Corporate Cup Team Packet mailed in early April. If you did not pre-order any tickets and would like to purchase additional guest tickets, you may purchase them at Corporate Cup Check-In during Bloomsday weekend, at the Bloomsday Office located at 1414 N Belt St, Spokane, WA 99201, or by calling (509) 838-1579.
What is the team name contest? How do I find out who won?
Teams who have registered with creative team names are included in the list of names to be considered for this contest. Impartial judges meet before Bloomsday and the winners are decided. Click here to see if your team is among the finalists for this year's team name contest. The top three will be announced in the Inlander's Bloomsday Results section.
What does a winning team receive? How do I find out if we won?
Trophies will be presented to the top three overall teams, division champions, and team name contest winners at the fun-filled Corporate Cup Awards Luncheon. Details will be provided to those teams on Monday, May 8, 2023.
How would our team get disqualified from this fun event?
Corporate Cup is limited in number, and every year we turn away several teams who did not get registered. In order to maintain the integrity of the Corporate Cup competition, it is vital that your team complies with the eligibility rules. To remind yourself of the rules, please refer to the Corporate Cup Information Page. Bloomsday officials will disqualify any team that has an ineligible member.
Who do I contact if I have a question?
If you have any questions about registering for Corporate Cup, please contact our registration partner using this form.
If you have any general questions about Corporate Cup, please contact Crystal Yurick, Corporate Cup Chairperson.
To purchase post-race party guest tickets, purchase them online, or call the Bloomsday Office at (509) 838-1579 or visit in person at 1414 N Belt St, Spokane, WA 99201.
FAQ Sections
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